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Please find below documentation and information about the revision opportunities available at GCSE


Revision opportunities are in different subject areas are regularly pubicised  via our social media accounts, so please keep an eye out for the latest updates.




At Mayflower High School we are acutely aware that students undertaking examinations at both GCSE and GCE A level will have never sat any formal public examinations during their time at school.


As such we have put in place a package of support for these students, which includes a program of revision lessons during the formal examination window led by students regular class teacher during time which in previous years would have been designated as 'study leave'


Alongside all secondary schools in England we have been publicising the support package offered by the examination boards designed to minimise the impact of the COVID pandemic on students achievement this summer.


Please use the following links and guidance to find help and assistance in preparing for your examinations this summer


Top tips for exam preparation


What can I do to support my child’s revision routine?

Is your child able to answer ‘yes’ to all of the following questions?


-Have they found a quiet place in the house to act as a base for their revision?


-Are they limiting distractions from social media?


-Are they instead making use of revision resources on GCSEpod?

(Guidance as to how to use this resource is in the Google Classroom Year 11 Pastoral page or they can see Mrs Ball for information in school)


-Have they planned a revision timetable that considers the running order of their exams?


-Do they have a copy of the Advance Information (AI) from each of the exam boards?


-Based on this AI have they completed a RAG rating of their Personalised Learning Checklists (PLC) for each subject?

(Subject teachers will be able to offer guidance for questions 4 & 5 above)


-Have they based their revision focus on the ‘Red’ areas from each PLC?

Have they been attending the additional revision sessions offered by subjects?


-Are they using a variety of revision strategies including but not limited to flash cards, mind maps, cartoons, voiced recordings and summary diagrams?


-Have they checked to see what resources are offered by GCSEBitesize?

(Go to for details)


-Have they looked at past papers, mark schemes and examiners’ reports on the exam board’s website?

(Their subject teacher will be able to advise them as to the relevant exam board)


-Are they engaging with the revision support material provided by each subject area?

(Subject teachers will be able to support here by signposting where resources are available on Google Drive, other external websites etc)



GCSE Pod is an online resource which the students have access to to enable to them to access revision materials on their own smart devices, it covers a wide variety of subject areas and can be accessed either from the home page or from the link below

PIXLit - English Literature


PIXLit app is a useful resource for year 10 GCSE students to use as part of their English Literature revision, please click on the link below to access it.

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