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Significantly above average A level provision 2019 (No national data available for 2020-2022) (IDSR June 2021)


Value added for students with prior attainment grades 7-9 was in the top 10% nationally in 2019


  • Target beating A*-A A level grades (2022)

  • 33 A* grades and 87 A grades across 22 subjects

  • A*-B A level grades in line with aspirational targets (2022)

  • A*-E A level grades above aspirational targets (2022)

  • 100% pass rate in Applied General qualifications (2022)

  •  3/4  of our students got into their 1st choice universities.


Please find below a link to key information from the Year 12 Introduction Evening - 14th September 2023 









Welcome to Mayflower Sixth Form 

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