Head of Subject: Mr T Hayes
The Mathematics Faculty at Mayflower School comprises of eleven well-qualified, experienced full-time teachers who teach in a suite of dedicated Mathematics classrooms which are equipped with interactive white boards. There is a faculty office where records and resources are stored, and where staff can meet and work.
Subject Vision
Classes are taught in sets throughout Years 7 to 11. Students are continually monitored through their class work, homework reviews, Mathematics ICT work and regular assessments. We regularly check to ensure that students are making progress and are in the appropriate set.
From Year 7 to Year 11 students develop their understanding of Mathematics in Number, Algebra, Ratio and proportion, Geometry, Probability and Statistics in preparation for their GCSE at the end of Year 11. We use the Edexcel Examination board for GCSE Mathematics.
The Mathematics Faculty holds annual events to enrich the curriculum. These include Number Day, World Maths Day, Puzzle days and Mathematics Challenges throughout the year.

Key Stage 3
Students are taught to develop their mathematical skills in a manner that encourages confidence to read, write and talk about the subject in a variety of ways. The ability to reason logically, to classify, to generalise and to prove is fostered. Students learn to apply mathematics to everyday situations, to recognise when and how a situation may be represented mathematically and to select appropriate mathematical methods to solve it.
Mathematics is about problem solving, checking and interpreting results and clear presentation of solutions. An ability to do so is developed by conducting individual and group enquiry and experimentation. I this context, extended pieces of work of a practical and investigative kind are essential parts of the course.
The life for which students are being prepared is becoming increasingly complicated. An understanding, together with a foundation appropriate to further study of mathematics and other disciplines, is an important part of every student’s education.

Key Stage 4
GCSE Mathematics
The GCSE Mathematics course has now changed and from June 2017 students will be sitting a new type of GCSE examination. The examination board used will be Edexcel. You are taught to develop your mathematical skills in a manner that encourages confidence to read, write and talk about the subject in a variety of ways. You learn to apply mathematics to everyday situations, to recognise when and how a situation may be represented mathematically and to select appropriate mathematical methods to solve it.
In most examinations, the use of a calculator is expected. A basic scientific type is recommended; suitable calculators at competitive prices are available from the Finance Office.
The Mathematics Faculty does not provide calculators for students; so, you must provide one yourself.
The new course is broken down into the following categories:
Ratio, proportion and rates of change
Geometry and measures
The GCSE is examined in June of Year 11. The examination consists of three written papers, a non-calculator and two calculator papers.
Students who take the higher paper can obtain grades 9 to 4.
Students who take the foundation paper can obtain grades 5 to 1.
For further details, please click on the link below: