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This section of the website provides information and advice for parents, carers, and pupils about school attendance. It contains guidance on the school’s attendance procedures, holiday requests during term time, and the Local Authority's legal requirements and powers regarding attendance.

We encourage you to contact us to discuss any issues your child is experiencing that may be impacting their attendance or to explore any support we can offer.

You can access information regarding your childs attendance, behaviour, and copies of school reports via the SIMs ParentApp. Tutorials and userguides to support downloading and accessing of the app can be found below.

If you prefer a video user guide on how to download the app you can access one here

Please see the details of our attendance team below should you have any issues related to school attendance. 

Mr D Griffin - Assistant Headteacher 
Mrs M Ragon - Senior Attendance Officer 
Mrs L Elliott - Attendance Officer.
Mrs England - Year Manager - Year 11
Mrs Evident - Year Manager - Year 10
Mr Hurd - Year Manager – Year 9
Mrs Woolley – Year Manager – Year 8
Mrs Pierce – Pastoral Assistant – Year 7


There may be times when your child has to miss school. If your child is ill, please contact the school on each day of their illness. Staff will be concerned if they do not hear anything.To inform us that your child will be absent from school or late, please contact us before 8:15 am using the absence link below.

Absence reporting

If your child is absent from school and you have not contacted us, you will receive a text message and an email requesting information about the absence. We ask that you reply to either message to inform us of the reason for your child's absence.

We request that parents and carers do this for child safeguarding purposes. 


We ask that medical appointments, such as dental, doctor, orthodontist, and hospital appointments, be made outside school hours. If this is not possible, we expect students to attend school beforehand and return to school once the appointment has concluded. 


Types of Medical Evidence We Can Use to Authorise AbsencesAt times, it is necessary for us to request medical evidence from parents to allow us to authorise their children’s absences from school.

Below is a guide to what we will accept as medical evidence:

Reports explained

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