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Safeguarding resources

Protecting Children from Domestic Abuse

  1. Government domestic abuse advice - How to get help:

  2. Government advice - How to get help for children and young people:

  3. The NSPCC – Helpline for advice and support if you have concerns about a child: 0808 800 5000  

  4. National Domestic Abuse - Helpline: 0808 2000 247

  5. Co-Parent Hub – information for separated parents and advice to help you and your ex-partner to be good co-parents:


Teenage Relationship Abuse

  1. NSPCC – Common signs of teenage relationship abuse:

  2. Parent Info – Advice, tips and key signs for parents on talking to teenagers about consent and spotting abuse in teenage relationships -

  3. NSPCC - Helpful information for parents and carers on how to talk to your child about sex and consent: https://

  4. Childline – Interactive activities for children and signposts to support: -relationships-sex/sex-relationships/healthy-unhealthy-relationships/


Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation

Call 999 and ask for police if your child has been a victim of child sexual abuse online or offline and you believe they are in immediate danger.

  1. Governments definition of child sexual abuse and child sexual exploitation: government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/779401/Working_Together_to_SafeguardChildren.pdf#page=103

  2. Tackle Child Abuse – How to recognise child abuse and how to report it:

  3. National Crime Agency-CEOP – If you are concerned that your child has been a victim, or is at risk of becoming a victim, of online sexual abuse, or you are worried about the way someone has been communicating with your child: https://  

  4. NSPCC helpline – Support and advice if you have any concerns about your own or another child’s safety: 0808 800 5000

  5. Stop It Now! – Information and advice on concerns about someone’s behaviour, including children who may be         displaying concerning sexual behaviour:

  6. Talk Pants Guide for Parents – How to have age-appropriate conversations to help protect children from sexual abuse using simple, child-friendly language and give children the confidence and knowledge to stay safe https://

  7. Coronavirus support – Government resources to help keep children safe from different risks online, including child    sexual abuse and ‘sexting’, and where to go to receive support and advice publications/coronavirus-covid-19-keeping-children-safe-online/coronavirus-covid-19-support-for-parents-and-carersto-keep-children-safe-online


Crime, Criminal Exploitation and County Lines, Violence and Gangs

Call the police on 999 if you feel that your child is in immediate danger. You can report concerns to the police on their nonemergency number, 101.

  1. NSPCC – If you have concerns that your child is being criminally exploited, involved in gangs or county lines, as well as more information on what these terms mean Phone: 0808 800 500 / Email:   

  2. Children’s Society - For parents who are concerned their child may be being criminally exploited or involved in county lines: county-lines-resources    

  3. Parent Info – Information for parents about knife crime and gang involvement:

  4. SafeCall - If your child is missing from home or if you have concerns about them being involved in gangs, drugs dealing or county lines exploitation, contact SafeCall. SafeCall provides confidential and one-to-one support to children, but they also offer advice and guidance to parents and carers who are concerned and need support: https://  

  5. Missing People - To speak to someone urgency, contact Missing People’s free, 24/7 confidential helpline. Phone or text: 116 000  / Email: /



Sexual Assault Referral Centre

  1. Sexual assault referral centres (SARCs) - Offer support services for children who have experienced sexual abuse or    sexual violence, either recently or in the past:  

  2. Local Sexual Assault Referral Centre – Provide additional advice and support: -services/Rape-and-sexual-assault-referral-centres/LocationSearch/364

  3. Government resources – More support for victims of sexual violence and abuse: publications/coronavirus-covid-19-support-for-victims-of-sexual-violence-and-abuse/coronavirus-covid-19-support-forvictims-of-sexual-violence-and-abuse


Protection from Radicalisation

Call the police on 101 or contact your local authority safeguarding team if you are worried that a loved one is being radicalised - you can get advice or share a concern so that they can get safeguarding support.

  1. Let’s Talk About it – Online exploitation is often hard to recognise. Sometimes there are clear warning signs - in other cases the changes are less obvious. Although some of these traits may be quite common among teenagers, taken       together they could indicate that your child may need help. Lets Talk About It lists some of these signs. https://

  2. Home Office Resources – Digital safety advice for use during Covid-19, produced by the Home Office: https://

  3. Educate against hate parent’s hub – Resources and government advice for parents and carers on keeping young people safe from extremism, including online:  


Prevent can help your child get support to move away from harmful influences. The support can include help with education or careers advice, dealing with mental or emotional health issues, or digital safety training for parents.


Call the police on 101 to get advice or share a concern so that they can get safeguarding support through Prevent, if you are worried that a loved one is being radicalised.

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