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Bullying is any behaviour by an individual or group, repeated over time, that intentionally hurts another individual or group either physically or emotionally. Our complete anti bullying policy can be found on the policies and documentation page here.


Bullying can occur through several types of anti-social behaviour. It can include but is not limited to:


· physical behaviour e.g. hitting

· verbal behaviour e.g. name calling

· excluding someone, e.g. deliberately excluding someone from a from or activity

· damage to property or theft

· threats to someone

· cyber-bullying




Everyone at Mayflower High School has the right to participate in any activity and attend lessons without being hindered by the behaviour of any other person or group. We take a proactive approach to anti-bullying, and believe in tolerance and respect for all. We do this through a combination of:


· Whole school assemblies

· A well-established Life-skills programme running across all year groups; allowing for discussion of difficult issues such as bullying

· A daily Tutor Time programme, which focusses on key topics and discussions

· Pastoral support via the Form Tutor and Year Managers

· Training all staff in how to deal with, and report, potential issues of bullying

· Peer supporters

· Listening and acting upon the views of students

· Communicating with students and parents

· Liaising with external agencies and support groups

· Clear behaviour and anti-bullying policies

· Mental health Support

· Dealing with issues quickly and effectively, before they develop into larger issues



Bullying is behaviour that is deliberate, repeated and creates an imbalance of power. Often, the perpetrator(s) seems to show no remorse. There are many other behaviours that can be unpleasant and need to be addressed but are not necessarily bullying; although they can potentially develop into bullying. For example:

· Arguments, disagreements or “fallings out” - people fall out of friendships/have arguments; which is normal. These can be occasional or accidental, and sometimes people become friends again. Such situations can be reported to the school if you are distressed or require support in coming to a resolution. If negative behaviours occur and are repeated or targeted, they can become bullying.

· A one-off verbal comment – this is unacceptable behaviour and should still be reported to the school so that it can be dealt with. If the incidents are repeated or targeted, then they can constitute bullying

· A one-off physical altercation such as a fight – this is unacceptable behaviour and should be reported to the school so that it can be dealt with. If the incidents are repeated or targeted, then they can constitute bullying

· An incident of barging or pushing in the corridor – again this is unacceptable and should be reported so that it can be dealt with, although it may be an accident. However, if someone is repeatedly being pushed then this is likely bullying.



  1. Report it as soon as possible – tell someone you trust. This can be done in person or by using the TELL US button.

  2. Keeping a record of what is happening. The easiest way to do this is by reporting everything to the school so that it can be logged. If the bullying is online, report it to the Social Media provider and block the account/s.

  3. Do not retaliate – walk away from any situations if possible. If the bullying is online, do not respond.

  4. Spend your time with people that make you feel good. Stay with a group; there is safety in numbers.

  5. Do not blame yourself – it is not your fault. No matter what, you do not deserve to be bullied and it is wrong.

  6. Be proud of who you are; remember that you are unique and special.

  7. Consider your use of social media carefully – make sure you are only interacting with friends that you can trust.

  8. Avoid getting others involved – it is important to be clear about what has happened.



· Talk to them – check that they are OK and let them know that you care.

· Take action – report your concerns. Watching and doing nothing is tantamount to participation.

· Do not support the bully, through word or deed (or by being a bystander), in his/her actions



· Treat individuals fairly by making it clear that the allegation/incident is being taken seriously even if there is no immediate evidence

· Make a distinction between bullying and other forms of poor behaviour; but will deal with the behaviour regardless.

· Record all instances of bullying/suspected bullying

· Deal with the concerns quickly, firmly and fairly

· Ensure victims are given help, support and advice by appropriate staff in school and outside agencies if appropriate

· Offer restorative justice meetings between the victim and perpetrator if appropriate

· Inform parents of all parties involved and keep them apprised of updates

· Ensure that bullying behaviour is sanctioned appropriately in line with the Behaviour for Learning policy

· Provide any further interventions appropriate for both Perpetrator and Victim 

· Set out clear expectations going forward regarding behaviour between all parities (this is often a sensible approach of “staying away” from each other).



  • Be observant of unusual behaviour, e.g. if your child shows a reluctance to attend school

  • Listen and reassure your child – the bullying is not their fault. Try to establish the facts.

  • Find out what your child wants to happen next. Help to identify the choices open to them; the potential next steps to take; and the skills they may have to help solve the problems.

  • Encourage your child to report any bullying to the school

  • Inform the school immediately that you suspect bullying so that it can be addressed. Contacting the Year Manager is the best option. 

  • Encourage your child to get involved in activities that build their confidence, esteem and resilience. 

  • Assist the school in implementing strategies / measures to deal with the bullying.

  • Avoid contacting other students or parents; this is likely to exacerbate the situation.

  • Avoid posting about the situation on Social Media; this is likely to make the situation more difficult for all parties. If the bullying is occurring via Social Media, report it to the provider.

  • If you are unhappy with the way in which the school is dealing with the situation, escalate your concerns to the Senior Leadership Team. Alternatively, you can pursue a complaint via out complaints procedure.




Mayflower recognises the importance of the essential relationship between home and school. It can be very difficult to be informed that your child has been involved in a bullying incident. Parents have a key role in helping their child to recognise the harm they have caused and encouraging them to change their behaviour in the future. Some key tips/advice:

  • Make sure your child knows what bullying behaviour is and why it is wrong

  • Make sure your child knows they can talk to you, or to another adult if they are worried about bullying

  • Help your child to realise that no-one has the right to pressure them into something they don't want to do - this includes bullying others

  • Make sure they are not bullying others in retaliation for bullying they have suffered - find out if there is a wider issue

  • Advise your child on their use of Social Media - let them know that they should not upload comments or images that could hurt someone else, or pass on content that is designed to hurt someone else.

  • Be clear that the use of disrespectful, hurtful or derogatory language and behaviour is not tolerated; and model the correct behaviour for your children.

The Anti-Bullying Alliance is a coalition of organisations and individuals that are united against bullying. The website contains advice and guidance on all forms of bullying.

An international anti-bullying charity. Designed to support young people aged 12-25 who are impacted. The website contains a range of resources and offers digital one-to-one support.

The bullying section of Family Lives; a service designed to offer active support and advice to families.

Young Minds is a mental health service for young people. This link provides information and advice on bullying via this service. Young Minds has a crisis messenger that young people can access in an emergency.

The National Bullying Helpline provides information and advice on bullying in schools, but also in the

A website providing helpful advice on bullying, for parents/carers and young people.

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