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The Dyslexia Centre at Mayflower High School offers specialist support for up to four new students each year, all of whom are selected by the Local Education Authority. These students must have an Education, Health, and Care Plan (EHCP) for Severe and Persistent Literacy Difficulty (previously referred to as Dyslexia). The Centre supports a maximum of twenty students across Years 7 to 11. Students from the Dyslexia Centre may also continue into the Sixth Form, provided they meet the necessary academic requirements, where they will receive tailored support as needed.


The Dyslexia Centre is located in Room 11 of the Progress Centre.


Our Staff

The Centre is led by Mrs. C Thorogood, Head of Centre, and Mrs. H Gell, both of whom are specialists in teaching students with specific learning difficulties. Our team also includes seven dedicated Teaching Assistants who offer in-class support and work one-on-one with students:
- Mrs. Scammell
- Mrs. Adams
- Mrs. Clarke
- Mr. Toms
- Mrs. Whybrow
- Mrs. McCartney
- Mrs. Telford


Support and Curriculum Integration

Students in the Dyslexia Centre follow the standard school timetable with tailored support. In Years 7 and 8, they are withdrawn for 6 to 7 lessons each week to receive structured, multisensory literacy, spelling, and reading instruction. During this time, they also receive assistance with memory techniques, study skills, numeracy, and IT skills. Teaching takes place in small groups or individually, depending on the student's needs.


Students are withdrawn from English and Modern Foreign Languages (MFL) in Years 7 and 8. From Year 9 onwards, an individualised timetable is developed in collaboration with the students to determine which subjects they are withdrawn from for continued support. They return to mainstream English classes in Year 9 with in-class support from Dyslexia Centre staff, though they continue to be withdrawn from MFL.


All students are part of a single tutor group, and we prioritise their full integration into the wider life of the school. Individual targets are set for each student, with progress reviewed termly in collaboration with parents.


Training and Resources

The Dyslexia Centre also provides training and resources for staff across the school, ensuring all teachers are equipped to support students with dyslexia and other associated learning difficulties.

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