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Mayflower High School Parent, Teacher and Friends Association

As a parent/carer of a Mayflower High School student, you automatically already belong to the PTFA.  Your membership and place in this community begins the moment your child starts their journey with the school.

The PTFA cares deeply about developing a strong, positive and supportive collaboration with school staff and the wider school community - enabling us to work together to provide our students with the best possible opportunities during their high school years.


Our Mission:

-To enrich the education of our students by providing additional educational and

recreational resources

-To bring the Mayflower community of students, parents, teachers and friends closer


-To promote and improve the welfare of our students

Support the PTFA in two easy ways with no additional cost to yourselves!

For every £1 you spend on Amazon, they’ll donate 0.5p to us – click here to find out more.

Earn commission on everything you spend at hundreds of retailers – click here to find out more.


Watch this space for events in the autumn term!


The current PTFA Committee are:

Co-chairs: Karen Wiseman and Claire Jones-Williams

Vice-chair: Clare Wallis

Treasurer: Alan Watts

Secretary: Laura Johnston

School Liaison: Mrs C Ford

If you would like more information, please contact us:

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