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MHS Safeguarding Officers

Children and young people spend a significant portion of their lives in school. At Mayflower High School, we are uniquely positioned to ensure that students are protected from harm. Our primary responsibility is to facilitate learning, and students are more likely to engage in the learning process and achieve their potential when they feel safe and well-supported.

Our Commitment to Students:

We cater to children from diverse backgrounds, religions, cultures, and abilities.
Children who feel supported, listened to, and valued both at home and in school are more likely to embrace the educational opportunities provided to them.


Our Safeguarding Approach

Our ability to safeguard students is evident on three levels:

Universal Safeguarding

Our aim is to keep all students safe by creating secure environments. This includes:

  • Excellent site safety

  • Safer recruitment practices for staff

  • Strong school rules and codes of conduct

  • Comprehensive safety awareness taught across the curriculum

  • Targeted Safeguarding

  • We focus on groups of students whose personal, social, or economic circumstances may increase their risk to safety, such as:

  • Looked-after children

  • Students with special educational needs

  • Children experiencing racism or discrimination


Responsive Safeguarding


We respond quickly and appropriately to situations where students may be or have suffered harm, supported by our robust child protection procedures.

Safeguarding for Parents

If you are concerned about the safety or welfare of your child or another child, act without delay.

In School Contacts


Miss Z Baines - Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mr R Griffiths - Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs E Cooke - Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs M Ragon - Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Dr. Fawell - Assistant Headteacher of Sixth Form


External Contacts


  • Police: Call 999 for emergencies; call 101 to report a crime that is not an emergency.

  • NSPCC Child Protection Helpline: 0808 800 5000

  • Essex Children’s and Family Hub: 0345 603 7627



Safeguarding in Out-of-School Activities/Clubs/Sports


It is important for parents and carers to verify that any sports club or activity their child attends prioritises safety. Even if a club seems professional, here are some questions to ask to ensure that all necessary safeguarding measures are in place:

What safety protocols do you have?
Are staff trained in safeguarding practices?
How do you handle concerns related to child safety?


Safeguarding Governance

Our safeguarding governor is  Mrs. Debbie Campbell.
Several staff members are trained to Level 3 in safeguarding at Mayflower High School.


Addressing Harmful Sexual Behaviours

Our school recognizes that children and young people (CYP) may display sexualized behaviour towards their peers as they develop. However, sexualized behaviour that becomes harmful or abusive is unacceptable and must be addressed.
We take allegations of child-on-child sexual abuse seriously and do not tolerate or dismiss harmful sexual behavior as ‘banter,’ ‘just having a laugh,’ or ‘part of growing up.’ Such allegations are managed in the same way as any other child protection concern, including seeking advice and support from external agencies as appropriate.

This policy aligns with the safeguarding requirements outlined in Keeping Children Safe in Education (DfE, 2020). Part 5 of this statutory guidance details how schools should manage reports of child-on-child sexual violence and harassment.
For more information on how the school addresses harmful sexual behaviours, bullying, and behaviour management, please visit the Policies and Documentation page.

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