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All Year 12 students are offered the opportunity in the summer term to apply for Senior Council Member or Council Member roles
These roles are very prestigious within Mayflower High School and the school sets very high expectations for all members of the council. Sixth Form students, who were successful in the application process for one of these roles, are individually interview with the Sixth Form Team. In this interview, students are required to give a presentation in which they should cover their qualities, ideas for Sixth Form life and how it might be improved.

This year one of the senior positions is a Public Relations Manager. This role requires the student  to lead the Sixth Form Council, represent the school at a variety of events, maintain Sixth Form facilities, liaise with staff and students, set an example to younger pupils, and finally, to have an input in the running of the school. Together, they have a range of ideas to improve the Sixth Form and are keen to get these into action. Working alongside Ms Williams and other staff, they hope to make a significant impact on the school and take some of these ideas we have forward.

Council Members are elected by letter of application to their Head of Year, they are required to present the reasons why would make an excellent addition to the Sixth Form Council. The council meet to organise social events and to put forward ideas for charity fundraising functions. They also represent the Sixth Form at formal functions and informal school functions. Events that the council organise include the Year 12 Reward Trip in July, the Year 12 Welcome Party and they will play a pivotal role in the co-ordination of the Leavers Ball at Stock Brook Manor. 

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